It's happened. My little baby is half a year old. I can't believe how much he's grown and how much he's learned and changed in the last six months.
In his 6th month, Franz...
- has ALMOST learned to sit by himself. He can go for a few seconds at a time, but always falls over eventually.
- babbles all day long, and has learned to say, "dada," and says it all the time. Dadadadadadadadadadada.
- loves to jump in his jumperoo (that JoJo let us borrow!). Also loves to put his feet on anything and everything and try to jump off of it, even if he's lying down.
- is laughing a lot more. The things that make him laugh the most are tickling his back, neck, thighs, and armpits, playing peek-a-boo, fake laughing at him, and eating his tummy.
- is the worst sleeper ever (he's been waking about every hour at night lately and refuses naps unless he's in the stroller or boba carrier).
- smiles at just about anything.
- plays this game where he puts his burp rag over his head and waits, excitedly, for us to pull it off.
- pants like a dog when he's excited.
- has hair that sticks straight up, and always gets compliments on it.
- loooooves to be held and loves the boba carrier. He's starting to put his hands up when you reach for him.
- is crazy about solids. So far we've only fed him apples and carrots, but he loves them (apples more than carrots... I think my dessert craving when I was pregnant got passed on to him). And he tries to eat everything we're eating.
- is starting to get his two bottom teeth! They're not quite here, but should be here any day now.
- does a pouty lip and cries when he's scared--see last picture above (things that scare him: random sounds that we make and the blender).
- tries to crawl, but he doesn't quite know how to get his legs to cooperate yet. He can scoot a few centimeters, though.
- is 21 pounds and 10 ounces, and 28 inches tall. He's a big guy, just like his papa was.
- wears anything from 9-18 months in clothes, and size 4 diapers. Seriously.
- loves baths, and loves to splash! I'm excited to take him to the pool in a couple of weeks.
- had his second cold and his first flu, all within a week of each other. Add two doctors visits and one ER visit in the middle of the night, and that's how the last part of April was for us.
- is fascinated with books.
- has started rolling over onto his tummy in his sleep, and then sleeps face down, and scares the crap out of his mama. He's also started sleeping with us in our bed once or twice a night. I can't say I'm upset about it, especially when he falls asleep with his hand on my face.
- has started chewing on his feet.
- gives really tight hugs and really wet kisses that are the best things ever.
This boy is full of personality. He's so fiesty and so sweet. When I was pregnant with him, I just knew that he would be the type of person who kinda marched to the beat of his own drum, just by his kicks alone (is that weird?). And I was totally right. It's incredible to me that his personality is coming out, and how I can see what kind of person he'll be. I am so lucky to be this boy's mama!