After the water slide sucked all the energy from us, we walked back to camp to eat lunch, watch movies, eat junk food, make froot loop necklaces and earrings and sleep. After our nap, Zac and I went with everyone to hit up the arcade and play mini golf. We must have gotten bored with both, because we didn't even play any games in the arcade, and we only played about eight holes of mini golf. Still fun. We drove home exhausted.

The next day, Sunday, we drove down with mom and dad Swenson to their cabin down in Fairview to spend the night. That night was filled with pizza, card games, sunflower seeds, shooting BB guns, a visit from Robbie K and her husband, camp fires, scary stories, and a movie. While Eli, JoJo, Whitney, JT, Sophie, Zac and I were sitting around the campfire in the darkness telling scary stories, JT found a rock to wipe his boogers on, and then threw it into the bushes. Sophie and I were oblivious to JT's booger wiping, because the second that rock hit the bushes, we both screamed at the top of our lungs, and before I even knew what happened, Sophie was on my lap, hugging me for dear life. It was a great sight! She didn't get off, either, until Whitney told her that she could sit on her lap. Oh, Bouge...
The next morning, we woke up to mom Swenson making us breakfast! It was wonderful! When breakfast was over, we bummed around--played more card games, ate more sunflower seeds, and took some pictures. Zac even carved my name in a tree, next to his that he carved back in 2001. Then the both of us went on a ride together on the four wheeler around the mountains. If you've never been to the Fairview mountains, I suggest you go, because it is a treat, especially with the wind blowing in your hair. Nature is gorgeous. There's a reason Heavenly Father made it this way. It's for us!

The day after we came home from the cabin, I started my new job. I am loving it so far, and have convinced myself that it is the best job ever. Why? The pay, the benefits, the people, the free lunch on Fridays, the casual dress, the hand scanner, the drinks, the customers and even the work. It's fantastic. The only job better than this, that I can think of, would be to be a Photographer like Jaquilyn Shumate. Really. Isn't her work amazing? And she works with her husband. How great is that?!
Anyway, there's my Labor Day weekend in a nut shell. It was pretty grand.